- Details
Life/form® Complete KERi™ Auscultation Manikin featuring realistic patient positioning with its life-like flexibility and a superior range of motion. No other manikin comes with all of its major joints having natural movement to provide a realistic demonstration of patient handling. The hands and feet are made of soft, flexible Life/form® material for added realism.
Life/Form Complete KERi features:
- Ankle - Eversion, Inversion, Dorsiflexion, Plantarflexion
- Elbow - Extension, Flexion, Pronation, Supination
- Enema Administration - Female Only
- Fingers - Abduction, Adduction, Flexion (soft, lifelike material)
- Gastrostomy Procedures - Lavage and Gavage
- Hip - Abduction, Adduction, Rotation, Hyperextension
- Internal Fluid Reservoirs
- Knee - Extension, Flexion
- Neck - Rotation, Hyperextension, Lateral Flexion
- Nasogastric Tube Placement
- Pap Smears and Douching
- Prostate Exam - Stage B
- Shoulder - Abduction, Adduction, Rotation, Hyperextension
- Toes - Abduction, Adduction, Flexion (soft, lifelike material)
- Trunk - Rotation, Hyperextension
- Urinary Catheterization - Female and uncircumcised male
- Wrist - Flexion, Hyperextension, Radial Flexion, Ulnar Flexion
- KERi™ has a non-age-specific appearance
- Complete lifelike range of motion, realistic patient positioning and non-pinching joints - moves like a person
- Lightweight - approximately 28 lbs.
- Full-size adult manikin - measures 58 in.
- Overall female appearance
- Converts to male with removal of wig and attachment of male genitals
- Normal and cancerous mole
- Stage 1 sacral ulcer
- Dilated and constricted pupils
- Reddened skin folds
- Bandaging and wound dressing
- Bed baths
- Clothing changes
- Denture placement and removal (upper and lower)
- Ear canal irrigation, otic drops, and hearing aid placement
- Eye irrigation
- Finger and toe manipulation with bandaging (flexible and individually molded)
- Hair care washing and combing
- Intramuscular injection sites (arm, thigh, buttock)
- Oral and nasal hygiene (lavage, gavage, and suctioning)
- Ostomy care (ileostomy and colostomy tissue maintenance and appliance application, lavage, and suctioning)
- Patient positioning
- Patient transfer techniques
- Pericare
- Tracheostomy care (lavage and suctioning)
Auscultation Sites with Heart and Lung Sounds:
Heart Sites- Six anterior locations with 12 heart conditions
Lung Sites- Five Anterior, six upper posterior, four lower posterior, and two midaxillary locations with 16 lung conditions
Heart Conditions:
Aortic Regurgitation, Atrial Septal Defect, Holosystolic, Midsystolic, Mitral Stenosis, Normal, PDA, Pulmonary Stenosis, S3 Gallop, S4 Gallop, Systolic Click, and VSD
Lung Conditions:
Bronchial, Bronchovesicular, Cavernous, Coarse Crackle, Egophony, Fine Crackle, Friction Rub, Infant, Mono Wheeze, Normal, Pectoriloquy, Pulmonary Edema, Rhonchi, Stridor, Vesicular, and Wheeze
- Simulates over 35 nursing and medical procedures
- Ideal for OBRA required training
- Carry case not included
- 5-year warranty
Alternate Part Number(s): LF04023U, LF04123U, LF04023, LF04123